A Childs History of Art and Architecture Book Hillyer 1933 PDF Download The Living Books Library


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A Childs History of Art and Architecture Book Hillyer 1933 PDF Download The Living Books Library
The complete series of V.M. Hillyer’s collection of narrative descriptions of fine art, sculpture, and architecture. From cave drawings to modern masterpieces, his series of narratives will take you chronologically through the history of art as you learn about the movements and artists who made their mark in art history.
This publication is a wonderful companion to any homeschool lesson including Atr, Timelines, Sculpture, Architecture, and History. Although this publication is written for the child’s ear, it can certainly be enjoyed by an adult audience.
This ebook is a digitally remastered copy, of the 3 volume edition, of the publication. It has been preserved in its original typeface with original black and illustrations for your enjoyment. At The Living Books Library, you don’t just own a book, you own a piece of history.
432 pages (approx.) with Original Black and White Illustrations
Table of Contents
Part I Painting
1 The Oldest Pictures in the World – cave pictures
2 What’s Wrong with this Picture? – Egyptian tombs
3 Palace Picture Puzzles – alabastar tree of life; ancient Assyria
4 April Fool Pictures – Greeks Zeuxis 400BC, Parrhasius 400BC, Apelles 300BC
5 Jars and Jugs – Greek vases 500BC
6 Pictures of Christ and Christians – catacombs 100AD
7 The Shepherd Boy Painter – Cimabue 1280AD
8 The Angel-Like Brother – Fra Angelico 1400
9 Born Again Painters – Masaccio, Fra Filippo Lippi, Benozzo Gozzoli 1400’s
10 Sins and Sermons – Botticelli, Fra Bartolomeo late 1400’s
11 A Great Teacher and a “Greatest” Pupil – Perugino, Raphael 1500
12 The Sculptor who Painted Pictures – Michelangelo 1500’s
13 Leonardo Da Vinci – 1452-1519
14 Six Venetians – Bellini 1430-1516, Titian 1485-1576, Tintoretto 1518-1594
15 A Tailor’s Son and a Master of Light – Andrea del Sarto 1486-1531, Correggio 1489-1534
16 Flemings – Van Eyck 1395-1441, Rubens 1577-1640
17 Two Dutchmen – Frans Hals 1580-1666, Rembrandt 1606-1669
18 U and Jr. – Durer 1471-1528, Holbein the Younger 1498-1543
19 Forgotten and Discovered – Vermeer 1632-1675
20 Speaking of Spaniards – El Greco 1541-1614, Velasquez 1599-1660, Murillo 1617-1682
21 Landscapes and Sign-Boards – Poussin 1594-1665, Claude Lorrain 1600-1682, Watteau 1684-1721, Chardin 1699-1779
22 Stirring Times – Jacque-Louis David 1748-1825, Delacroix 1798-1863
23 A Late Start – Hogarth 1697-1764, Reynolds 1723-1792, Gainesborough 1727-1788
24 Three Englishmen Who Were Different – Blake 1757-1827, Constable 1776-1837, Turner 1848-1908
25 Some Very Poor Painters – Corot 1796-1875, Millet 1814-1875
26 The Most Important Person – Monet 1840-1926
27 Post Impressionism – Cezanne 1839-1906, Van Gogh 1853-1890, Gauguin 1848-1903
28 Early Americans – Benjamin West 1738-1820, Gilbert Stuart 1755-1828
29 More Americans – Robert Fulton 1765-1815, Samuel Morse 1791-1872, Inness 1825-1894, Homer 1836-1910
30 Two European Americans – Whistler 1834-1903, Sargent
31 Real-Men Artists – Remington 1861-1909, Bellows 1882-1925
Part II Sculpture
1 The First Sculpture – ancient Egypt
2 Giants and Pygmies – Sphinx, scarab beetles 2000BC?
3 Cherubs and Kings – ancient Assyria
4 Marbles – Greek statues 400BC
5 Standing Naturally – Polyclitus 415BC
6 The Greatest Greek Sculptor – Phidias 450BC
7 After Phidias – Praxiteles 370BC, Scopas 350BC
8 Plaster Casts – dying Gaul, Apollo Belvedere 350BC
9 Tiny Treasures – Roman cameos 30BC?
10 Baked Earth Sculptures – terra cotta, tanagra, patina 200BC
11 Busts and Reliefs – Rome 13 BC
12 Stories in Stones – iconoclasts, gargoyles 800 AD
13 The Gates of Paradise – Ghiberti 1424
14 A Treasure Hunter And A Secret – Donatello 1386-1466, Luca della Robbia 1400-1482
15 Next Best and Best – Donatello’s Gattamelata 1450, Verrocchio 1435-1488
16 Four in One – Michelangelo 1475
17 Cellini Makes His Perseus – 1545-1554
18 A.M., or, After Michelangelo – Goujon 1510-1572, Giovanni of Bologna 1529-1608
19 An Italian and a Dane – Canova 1757-1822, Thorvaldsen 1770-1844
20 On a Postage Stamp – Houdon 1741-1828
21 A Lion, A Saint, And an Emperor – Bayre 1839-1882, Fremiet 1824-1910
22 A Handsome Present – Bartholdi 1834-1904, Statue of Liberty 1886
23 Thoughts for Thinkers – Rodin 1840-1917
24 Our Own Sculpture – William Rush 1756-1833, Horatio Greenough 1805-1852, Hiram Powers 1805-1873, Thomas Crawford 1814-1857
25 Our Best – Saint-Gaudens 1848-1907
26 Daniel Chester French – 1850-1931
27 Women’s Work – Marie Tussaud 1761-1850, Anna Huntington’s Joan of Arc (1910) 1876-1973
28 The End of the Trail – Edward McCartan 1879-1947, Alexander Proctor 1860-1950, James Earle Fraser 1876-1953
Part III Architecture
1 The Oldest House – pyramids
2 Houses for Gods – Stonehenge 2300BC?
3 Mud Pie Palaces and Temples – ancient Assyria, arch
4 The Perfect Building – Parthenon 495BC
5 Woman’s Style Building – Erectheum 400BC??
6 New Styles in Building – Corinthian/composite 200BC?
7 Rome Was Not Built in a Day – Pantheon 50BC?, Colosseum 70AD
8 Trimmings – fillet, scallop, meander, dentil, astragal, anthemion
9 Early Christian – basilica 100AD?
10 Eastern Early Christians – Byzantine, St. Sophia/Hagia Sophia 532AD
11 Lights in the Dark – Charlemagne 742-814
12 Round Arches – Romanesque, leaning tower 1100?
13 Castles – Carcassonne 100AD-1247, Pierrefonds 1393-1407
14 Pointing Toward Heaven – Gothic churches 1100-1500
15 In Praise of Mary – Notre Dame 1200, Chartres 1100’s, Rheims/Reims cathedral 1200’s-1300’s
16 Country Cathedrals – Durham Cathedral 1093-1280, Salisbury Cathedral 1220-1320, Lincoln Cathedral 1185-1311
17 Here and There – Cologne Cathedral 1248-1880, St. Mark’s Basilica 1094-1617
18 Open Sesame – Alhambra 1300’s-1527, Taj Mahal 1632-1653
19 Dome Trouble – Brunelleschi 1439/1461
20 Backward and Forward – Riccardi Palace 1445-1460, St. Peter’s Rome 1506-1626
21 The Homes of England – manor houses 1300’s?, Tudor homes 1500’s
22 Trade-Marks – Chateau of Blois 1200’s-1700’s, Chateau of Chambord 1519-1547, Eiffel Tower 1887-1889
23 Breaking Rules – Baroque 1600’s-1700’s, Santa Maria della Salute 1631-1687
24 The English Renaissance – Palace of Whitehall 1530-1698, St. Paul’s Cathedral 600-1708
25 From Huts to Houses – log cabins 1600’s-1800’s, Colonial homes 1660-1780, Monticello 1772, Spanish missions
26 Al and Ol – Pierre Charles L’Enfant 1754-1825, the US Capitol 1855-1866, Lincoln Memorial 1922
27 Rainbows and Grape-Vines – Bridges, London Bridge; ancient bridges to modern suspension bridges
28 The Scrapers of the Sky – Empire State Building 1929-1931
In Later Editions:
29 New Ideas – architecture: windows, function, comfort


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