Omoiyari – Where stories come from – Story Book Seller details


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Omoiyari – where stories come from –
There was once a village lost in the mountains, a village called Omoiyari…
Inspired by traditional Japanese culture and folklore, Omoiyari is a place where stories and humans live together in harmony, taking care of each other.
The book is a new edition of the original hardback (2016, sold out, that was limited to 60 copies, signed and numbered).
This new format features a copper foiled softcover with flaps, speckeled endpapers and a traditional japanese folded pages binding. It was printed and bound in the UK on responsibly sourced paper. This is a PUR binding, a stonger and more durable method compared to the widespread perfect binding.
Size 17 x 24 cm, 40 pages, full color illustrations.
This is a self-published edition of 600 copies. I wrote and illustrated the text, designed the book and carefully selected the best papers and materials to complement the story. It is very much a labor of love, I hope you’ll enjoy this special book and its inhabitants as much as I do.
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