4x Illustrated Childrens Books Russian Propaganda Soviet Classic Tales Kids USSR 1980s Nursery Book, Kid’s Books Книга за книгой Seller details


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Immerse your child in the enchanting world of Soviet children’s propaganda with our set of four timeless classics from the “Книга за книгой” (Book by Book) series.
Step back in time to the heart of the Soviet era with this captivating collection of illustrated children’s books. Each page is a portal to the ideals and narratives that shaped young minds in the USSR. Through vibrant illustrations and compelling tales, these books are not just stories; they are windows into the patriotic propaganda themes that instilled love for the Motherland, valor in the face of adversity, and unwavering loyalty to the Soviet Army.
1) “Сегодня праздник. Стихи советских поэтов (It Is A Holiday Today. Poems by Soviet poets). Art by A. Borisova (А. Борисова) 1987 Russian language Soft cover, Condition: The book is in VERY GOOD condition with no defects. See photos for details. Publisher: Детская литература (Children’s Literature) Dimensions: 140 x 210 mm, 16 pages + 4 cover Circulation: 2,000,000
ENGLISH: Introducing a delightful collection of poems by Soviet poets titled “Today is a Holiday.” Perfect for preschool children.
RUSSIAN: Представляем вашему вниманию восхитительный сборник стихов советских поэтов под названием “Сегодня праздник”. Идеально подходит для детей дошкольного возраста.
2) “Последняя ночь” by Леонид Жариков (Last Night by Leonid Zharikov) Artist V. Shcheglov (В. Щеглов) 1980 Language: Russian Soft cover, 28 pages + 4 covers. Circulation: 1,000,000 copies. Format: 145 x 215 mm, Publisher: Детская литература (Children’s Literature) Good vintage condition, some tape on the inside back cover. Refer to photos.
ENGLISH: “Last Night” is a poignant tale of the events during the civil war. In this story, writer Leonid Mikhailovich Zharikov, hailing from a mining region, narrates the bravery of two boys, their unwavering loyalty and love for their Motherland and the Soviet Army. They assist their fathers and brothers in the region against the White Guards.
RUSSIAN: “Последняя ночь” — это трогательный рассказ о событиях гражданской войны. В этой истории писатель Леонид Михайлович Жариков, родом из шахтерского края, рассказывает о мужестве двух мальчиков, их неизменной преданности и любви к Родине и Советской Армии. Они помогают своим отцам и братьям в борьбе с белогвардейцами.
3) “Петропавловская крепость. Побег” by Кропоткин Петр Алексеевич (Peter-Pavel’s Fortress. The Escape by Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin) B&W illustrations by E A. Taratuta (Э. А. Таратута) 1982 Language: Russian Soft cover, 64 pages + 4 covers. Circulation: 3,000,000 copies. Format: 145 x 215 mm, Publisher: Детская литература (Children’s Literature) Good vintage condition with slight wear on the spine. Refer to photos.
ENGLISH: “Peter-Pavel’s Fortress. The Escape” is an excerpt from the book “Notes of a Revolutionary” by Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin, an outstanding revolutionary, renowned geographer, and traveler.
RUSSIAN: “Петропавловская крепость. Побег” — это отрывок из книги «Записки революционера» Петра Алексеевича Кропоткина, выдающегося революционера, известного географа и путешественника.
4) “Сказка о военной тайне, о мальчише-кибальчише и его твердом слове” by Аркадий Гайдар (The Tale of a Military Secret, of a Kibalchish Boy and His Firm Word by Arkady Gaidar) Artist V. Losin (В. Лосин) 1988 Russian language Soft cover, 24 pages + 4 covers. Circulation: 2,500,000 copies 220 x 290mm Детская литература (Children’s Literature). Good vintage condition, has a dedication written on the inside front cover. See photos.
ENGLISH: Offering delightful Soviet childhood adventures is “The Tale of a Military Secret, of a Kibalchish Boy and His Firm Word” by Arkady Gaidar. This famous fairy tale, tailored for preschool children, is not only a captivating story but also a visual delight with illustrations by artists L.E. Kireeva and V.M. Meleschenkov.
RUSSIAN: Здесь представлены прекрасные примеры советского детства, читая приключения Аркадия Гайдара, знаменитую сказку для детей дошкольного возраста. Помимо замечательной сказки, по которой даже был снят фильм, эта детская книга в мягкой обложке полна прекрасных произведений искусства, с иллюстрациями художников Л.Е. Киреева и В.М. Мелещенкова.
Material: Paper
Condition: All are in very good vintage condition, with minimal signs of usage. See photos for details
Dimensions: Various, see descriptions.
Years Made: 1980-1987
Weight: 202g


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